INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 2 July

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS IMF. Romania concludes a second stand-by agreement with the IMF. FOREIGN POLICY. Victor Ponta’s visit to Asia signals the country’s decision to attract foreign investments. ECONOMY. One year after entering insolvency, Hidroelectrica returns on the market with important profits. ENERGY. Romania is looking for alternatives to the Nabucco project. ADMINISTRATION. The government enacts… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 24 June

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS POLLS. Victor Ponta remains the most trusted political figure of the USL. FOREIGN POLICY. Victor Ponta has a high profile meeting in Sofia with the Bulgarian Prime Minister, the President of PES, and the President of the European Parliament. FINANCE. The European Council lifts the excessive deficit procedure off Romania. EUROPEAN FUNDS. Romania’s… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 18 June

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS 1. FOREIGN POLICY. Prime Minister Victor Ponta makes a successful visit to Germany and Slovakia 2. POLITICS. Traian Basescu announces his intention of calling another referendum 3. ECONOMY. World Bank figures show the Romanian economy is steadily growing  4. RESEARCH. Works on the ELI-NP project start in Magurele 5. FINANCE. Romania has reached… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 10 June

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS 1. Foreign policy. Prime Minister Victor Ponta is embarking on a visit to Germany and Slovakia 2. Foreign policy. Prime Minister Victor Ponta made  a visit to Poland 3. Investments. Romania is Europe’s 10th ranked country in terms of jobs created by FDI 4. European funds. The Government has managed to double the… Read more »

Analiza de context – Regiunea Nord – Est

Publicat de & în Proiect ISC.

context nord-est

PIB / locuitor a crescut de peste 5 ori, dar a ramas, pe toata perioada avuta in vedere, la cel mai scazut nivel comparativ cu celelalte regiuni. Mai mult, cresterea acestui indicator a fost mai mica in Regiunea Nord-Est decat in cazul tuturor celorlalte.

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 5 June

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS 1. LEGISLATION. The Parliament starts the procedures for amending the Constitution, in a consensual manner, starting from the suggestions of the civil society 2. ECONOMY. Romania’s macro-economic trust ratings reach the highest level in 12 months 3. INVESTMENTS. 2013 will see Romania attracting investments worth 3.8 billion Euros, creating 20,000 jobs  4. GOVERNMENT…. Read more »

Sondaje de opinie – rezultate si concluzii

Publicat de & în Proiect ISC.


Proiectul a presupus, printre altele, realizarea a opt sondaje de opinie la nivelul fiecarei regiuni de dezvoltare in vederea identificarii si masurarii elementelor ce definesc implicarea civica, participarea electorala, participarea la decizia politica.