INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 17 September

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS Politics. Prime Minister Victor Ponta discussed with the protesters at Rosia Montana. Government. Prime Minister Victor Ponta visited the flood-affected areas. Politics. The Roșia Montană project will enter Parliamentary debate. Finances. The USL Government combats tax evasion. Government. Prime Minister Victor Ponta asks the cabinet to transform emergency ordinances into draft bills Agriculture…. Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 10 September

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS Parliament. The law concerning the Rosia Montana mining exploitation will not pass the parliamentary vote. Energy. Delaying green certificates reduced energy bills by 5%. Economy. „The Economist” analysts forecast larger than expected economic growth for Romania in 2013. European funds. The Government will submit reimbursement requests worth 1bn RON to the EC. Agriculture…. Read more »

Infopolitic – Sondaj de opinie national – septembrie 2013

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Infopolitic - Sondaj de opinie national – septembrie 2013

Volumul eşantionului: 1100 interviuri Tipul eşantionului: national, multistadial cluster, cu selectia probabilistica a persoanelor Reprezentativitate: eroarea limită este de ±3.1%, la un nivel de probabilitate de 95% Chestionarele au fost aplicate prim metoda CATI Perioada anchetei: 6-7 septembrie 2013

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 3 September

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS 1. ECONOMY. Rosia Montana – Romanian Government’s position: the decision must be taken by the Romanian Parliament 2. POLITICS. The USL sets out its political priorities for the fall. 3. FOREIGN POLICY. Victor Ponta makes a visit to the Republic of Moldova. 4. POLITICS. The PSD aims for 35% of the votes in the… Read more »

Infografic CSCI – August 2013

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Infografic august - USL

Conform datelor oferite de cel mai recent sondaj CSCI, in perspectiva alegerile pentru Parlamentul European, ca capitolul intentie de vot a romanilor, pe partide, PSD ocupa prima pozitie cu 40% din voturi.

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 13 August

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS FINANCE. The draft of the IMF agreement will be presented to the Parliament in September. AGRICULTURE. The agricultural sector receives increased Government attention. FINANCE. The Government increases its support for SMEs. POLITICS. The USL Government responds to the PDL’s proposals. INFRASTRUCTURE. The contract for the Brasov-Comarnic highway will be signed. 1. The agreement… Read more »

Cum stimuleaza liberalii conflictul cu Traian Basescu

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In interiorul USL, pactul de coabitare cu Traian Basescu este acceptat tacit. Nemultumirile insa fata de un acord care conserva controlul presedintelui asupra unei parti reduse a puterii sunt evidente. Ele se manifesta public prin vocile liberalilor, precum si prin cele ale formatorilor de opinie de la trustul lui Dan Voiculescu. Mizele acestor contestatari sunt… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 13 August

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS POLITICS. Victor Ponta guarantees that the regionalization process will occur during this USL term. EUROPEAN FUNDS. Romania increases the absorption rate and sets up more efficient procedures. FINANCE. Government figures ensure that the new IMF agreement will not lead to an increase in taxes. VAT. The USL Government ensures that VAT reimbursements are… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 6 August

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS ECONOMY. The USL Government lowers the VAT for bread products. FINANCE. Romania concludes a new precautionary agreement. ECONOMY. An increased number of institutions confirm Romania’s positive perspectives. EUROPEAN FUNDS. The USL Government significantly increases EU funds absorption. IMF AGREEMENT. The recently concluded agreement with the IMF shows Romania’s resolve to continue financial reforms…. Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 30 July

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS Foreign policy. Prime Minister Victor Ponta makes an official visit to Spain. Economy. Romania ranks fourth among EU countries according to size of government debt. Privatizations. The CSAT must decide on the privatization of the CFR MARFA Company. European funds. The USL Government adopts new initiatives in order to increase EU funds absorption…. Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 23 July

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS ECONOMY. The Economist confirms the Government’s growth measures are having an impact. FOREIGN POLICY. Prime Minister Victor Ponta makes a visit to Spain. SME. Prime Minister Victor Ponta takes part to the launch of the “White Book for SME’s in Romania”. FOREIGN POLICY. The USL Government congratulated the state institutions for the return… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 17 July

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS FOREIGN POLICY. French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault visits Romania. ECONOMY. The Prime Minister presents the National Plan for Strategic Investments and Job Creation. FINANCES. Prime Minister Victor Ponta receives the visit of the IMF Director, Christine Lagarde. ECONOMY. On the occasion of Huawei’s coming to Romania, Prime Minister Victor Ponta expressed the Government’s… Read more »

Analiza de context – Regiunea Vest

Publicat de & în Proiect ISC.

analiza de context - regiunea vest

Din punct de vedere demografic, Regiunea Centru se inscrie in acelasi trend national de scadere generalizata a populatiei. Declinul demografic este evident accentuat – 4,6% la nivel national in raport cu o diminuare a populatiei de 6,1% la nivel regional.

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 9 July

Publicat de & în Infopolitic - EN.

IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS 1. FOREIGN POLICY. Victor Ponta concludes a successful visit to Asia. 2. FOREIGN POLICY. The Prime Minister delivers Romania’s support message for the US with the occasion of the July 4 celebrations. 3. EU FUNDS. The European funds absorption rate rises to 20%. 4. Finances. The Government requests the conclusion of a preventive… Read more »

Analiza de context – Regiunea Nord-Vest

Publicat de & în Proiect ISC.

analiza nord-vest

Din punct de vedere economic, evolutia de ansamblu a Regiunii Nord-Vest urmeaza tendintele si dinamicile nationale. Din punct de vedere demografic, Regiunea Nord-Vest se inscrie in acelasi trend national de scadere generalizata a populatiei.