INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 30 July

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FOREIGN POLICY. Prime Minister Victor Ponta sent letters of condolences following the plane crash of Malaysia Airlines.
FINANCES. Victor Ponta: If we do not reduce the CAS now, it means that we will never do it.
EUROPEAN POLITICS. Ponta discussed with Juncker about Romania’s proposal for the European Commissioner.
ROMANIAN POLITICS. Victor Ponta will announce on Tuesday, July 29, his candidacy to the presidential elections.
FOREIGN POLICY. Victor Ponta – favorite to win the presidential election.

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 22 Iuly

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Government. Victor Ponta: We came to power conceiving an inclusive society and this is what we will continue to do.
Foreign Policy. Prime Minister Victor Ponta makes a historical visit in Serbia. Romania is becoming a major player in the region.
EDUCATION. Massive European funding for Education will be attracted between 2014 and 2020.
European POLITICS. Traian Basescu is wrong about the appointment of the European Commissioner from Romania.

Sondaj CSCI – 16 iulie

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Sondaj CSCI – 16 iulie

Volumul eşantionului: 1050 persoane Tipul eşantionului: Esantion multistadial cluster, cu selectia probabilistica a persoanelor Eroare tolerata 3%, la un nivel de probabilitate de 0.95 Chestionarele au fost aplicate prim metoda CATI Perioada anchetei: 10-16 iulie 2014

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 14 July

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1. EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. Victor Ponta: I welcome the reelection of Martin Schulz as President of the EP.
2. FOREIGN POLICY. Victor Ponta asks the Parliament to support the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.
3. ECONOMY. Prime Minister Victor Ponta, PSD President, opened the meeting of the London Stock Exchange.
4. EUROPEAN FUNDS. The guidelines for social enterprises were released. A new proof of the Government’s approach to supporting social inclusion.
5. FINANCE. The Government insists on reducing the CAS.
6. ECONOMY. The Romanian economy shows new signs of recovery.

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 8 June

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EP ELECTIONS. The Left is stable, consolidated and on a rising trend.
political dynamics. Victor Ponta remains the favorite for the presidential elections.
FOREIGN POLICY. Increased focus on the US relations.
european parliament. A divided European Parliament and a divided Europe.

The Left is stable, consolidated and on a rising trend

Proiectul „Femei Active pe piața muncii”

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Proiectul FAPM are ca scop formarea profesională a peste 500 de femei; sesiuni de formare și informare pentru 250 de participanți, pentru promovarea egalității de gen; creșterea conștietizării principiilor egalității de șanse și gen în cadrul societății civile, mass-media și a instituțiilor publice, precum și dezvoltarea și certificarea competențelor antreprenoriale a 100 de femei

Sondaj CSCI – 25 mai

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Sondaj CSCI - 25 mai

Volumul eşantionului: 1580 persoane Tipul eşantionului: multistadial cluster,cu selectia probabilistica a persoanelor. Reprezentativitate: eroarea tolerata 2,5% Chestionarele au fost aplicate prim metoda CATI Perioada anchetei: 25 mai 2014

SONDAJ CSCI – politic – mai 2014

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SONDAJ CSCI - politic - mai 2014

Volumul eşantionului: 1110 persoane Tipul eşantionului: national, multistadial cluster, cu selectia probabilistica a persoanelor Reprezentativitate: eroarea tolerata 3% Chestionarele au fost aplicate prim metoda CATI Perioada anchetei: 19-22 mai 2014

Sondaj CSCI – politic – mai 2014

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Sondaj CSCI – politic – mai 2014

Volumul eşantionului: 1080 persoane
Tipul eşantionului: national, multistadial cluster, cu selectia probabilistica a persoanelor
Reprezentativitate: eroarea tolerata 3,1%, la un nivel de probabilitate de 0.95
Chestionarele au fost aplicate prim metoda CATI
Perioada anchetei: 12-14 mai 2014

Sondaj CSCI – politic – aprilie 2014

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Sondaj CSCI - politic - aprilie 2014

Volumul eşantionului: 1123 persoane Tipul eşantionului: national, multistadial cluster, cu selectia probabilistica a persoanelor Reprezentativitate: eroarea limită este de ±3%, la un nivel de probabilitate de 95% Chestionarele au fost aplicate prim metoda CATI Perioada anchetei: 23-26 aprilie 2014

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 8 April

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IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS RESEARCH. Victor Ponta: The fact that over 250 million Euros go into research is the best thing. FOREIGN POLICY. Victor Ponta declared that Romania’s international partners appreciate the seriousness of the current Government. VAT. Victor Ponta: While I am Prime Minister the 24% VAT will not be reverted for bakery products. POLLS. Polls… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 21 March

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IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS FOREIGN POLICY. Victor Ponta: The Romanian Government has done its duty in relation to the Republic of Moldova. GOVERNMENT. Victor Ponta: The program of the new Government confirms the realistic and pragmatic governance measures taken insofar. PENSIONS. Victor Ponta: Pensions will be indexed in 2014. FOREIGN POLICY. PM Ponta, PSD President, made an… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 27 February

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IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS Politics. Victor Ponta: We did everything they could to continue the project of the Social Liberal Union! USL. USL voters blame Antonescu for USL split. Foreign Policy. Victor Ponta: the most important Eastern partner is the Republic of Moldova; we concur with EU positions on Ukraine. POLITICS. Victor Ponta enters his fourth year… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 20 February

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IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS POLITICS. Victor Ponta: I wish continuing governing in the USL formula. ELECTIONS. PSD remains the favorite in the European Parliament elections. FINANCE. USD deems appropriate to introduce a special tax, which would apply solely to wages and very high bonuses, as those in ASF. GOVERNMENT. PM Victor Ponta, PSD President presented, in a… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 6 February

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IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS ECONOMY. Victor Ponta: The Government will send a letter of intent to the IMF. SCHENGEN. Titus Corlatean: We hope in a political decision in favor of Romania’s accession to the Schengen by the end of this year . FOREIGN POLICY. PM Victor Ponta calls for increased cooperation in the Black Sea Region. ECONOMY…. Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 28 January

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IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS ECONOMY. At the beginning of 2014, the economic outlook for Romania is positive. POLITICS. The STS must assume responsibility for the management of the situation in the Apuseni Mountains plain crash. CVM. Victor Ponta: the CVM report shows that Romania has made important progress, regardless of the political interpretations. GOVERNMENT. An interministerial committee… Read more »

INFOPOLITIC Romanian Politics – 21 January

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Victor Ponta: The visit of the U.S. official Victoria Nuland was good for the Romanian-American strategic relations Prime Minister Victor Ponta, President of PSD said Monday, January 13, 2014, that the visit of the U.S. official Victoria Nuland was good for the strategic relations between Romania and the United States, stating that the issue presented… Read more »